1. Open Microsoft Teams. Once in Microsoft Teams, navigate to the Calendar tab from the left-hand column on Microsoft Teams, then click "New meeting". If the calendar tab it is not visible click the ellipses and it will appear as one of the available apps.

2. Ensure that the Time zone is set to (UTC +8:00) Perth and that 'Online meeting' is enabled so that the meeting link is generated.

Additionally ensure that the date is set to the 17th of June (Monday) and set 'Who can bypass the lobby' to 'Only organizers and co-organizers'. 

3. Do NOT create multiple meetings. Instead, set the meeting to repeat over the required days. This will reuse the same link for all meetings.

To do this in the repeat option select 'Every weekday (Mon-Fri)'. Then select Monday and Wednesday as the days of the week. Additionally set the start date as the 17th of June and the end date as the 19th of June. Now click 'Save'.

4. Once the above meeting settings have been applied click 'Save'.

5. Open the meeting from the Teams calendar and copy the meeting link. Alternatively, you can click 'Edit' then there will be an option to copy the link in there too.

Managing the Teams Meeting

1. To start the meeting, click on the meeting from your teams calendar view and select 'Join'

2. When parents join the meeting you will get a notification on your screen that someone is waiting in the lobby. Click 'admit' to allow the parent to join the meeting.

Alternatively, you can click on the 'People' tab and see the parents waiting in the lobby. Click the 'Tick' next to the parents name to admin them.

3. Before moving onto your next interview ensure that the current parent has left the meeting. By clicking into the 'People' tab you are able to see who is in the meeting under the 'In this meeting' section. 

If required you can remove the parent from the meeting by click the ellipse next to their name and selecting 'Remove from meeting'.