Writing a well formatted and detailed ticket will help us resolve your issue in the least time possible. Formatting helps us to quickly discern the issue and adequate detail allows us to immediately rule out possible causes of the problem. We understand how tight the schedules are of our staff members but the extra time taken to write a detailed ticket is greatly appreciated and goes a long way in helping us solve your problem. 

First Provide a summary of your problem in the subject of the ticket.


Please provide us with the following information with requests for equipment, access, software, etc:

  • What is the request for? (equipment, access, software, etc.)
  • When / how long is the request for? (date of event, access for full term, etc)
  • Why? (context of event, reason for providing access to service, etc.)
  • Priority? (Needed ASAP, not required until next week, etc.)


Please provide us with the following information with issues you are having:

  • What is the problem? (no internet, can't open emails, can't log into SEQTA, etc.)
  • How long has the problem been occuring? (just now, past week, etc.)
  • Who is it impacting? (just me, entire department, etc.)
  • What have I tried to do to resolve the problem? (restarted computer, reinserted cable for monitor, etc.)
  • Priority? (Severely impacting my work, I have an adequate workaround, etc.)

Bad Ticket Example

Subject: internet

Description: Hi IT, my internet is not working, don't know what to do. Thanks, ________

Good Ticket Example

Subject: Unable to connect to the internet in S10

Description: Hi IT, I am unable to connect to the internet in S10 but all of my students are able to connect. This has just started happening this period. I have tried turning the Wi-Fi off and on again as well as restarting my laptop. Could this please be looked at semi-urgently as my lesson plans rely on playing online videos. I will be in S10 all day. Thanks, ________