JSR IT Knowledge Base

Before contacting us you can consult the JSR IT Knowledge Base which can be found here: https://help.jsracs.wa.edu.au/support/solutions. We have 100+ guides and articles on subjects such as SEQTA, OneNote, FAQs and more.

Why a ticketing system?

All support requests are sent to our ticketing system, Freshdesk. Submitting a ticket gives the staff member the best chance of having their request solved quickly and effectively. Once in our system any of our team members can assign themselves the ticket and begin work on the request. This centralises our history of jobs to allows us to easily review these in the future.

Individually emailing a member of IT is not recommended as if they are away from work we will not know of your request and we will not have a history of the job.

How to submit a Ticket

To submit a ticket open Outlook and send an email to itsupport@jsracs.wa.edu.au. The subject of the email will become the subject of the ticket. On the staff member's end you will receive a confirmation email saying that we have received your ticket and responses from our team will be sent to you via email. 

Alternatively you can go to the following site and submit a ticket manually: https://help.jsracs.wa.edu.au/support/tickets/new. From there you can specify the subject, priority and write a description for the problem. Ensure you select IT request as the type so it does not go to the maintenance portal.

How to call IT

In urgent situations or when phoning is more appropriate than email we can be called on 08 9247 9399 or on extension 111. A shared office phone can be used for this or a staff member can call us through their Microsoft teams application. Open up Teams, select Calls then type in either our number or extension and press Call

Now please see the following guide on how to best format a ticket: https://jsrsupport.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/51000370242