It is very important for security and stability that your laptops is kept up-to-date.

This guide will walk you through the process of running Dell Command Update.

Press the Windows Key and search for Dell Command Update

Once launched, press the CHECK button

Dell Command Update will check for updates. Once the check has been completed you will see a summary of available updates. You will see a warning if any updates require a restart.

Once the check has been completed press INSTALL.


Once the update process has been completed you may be prompted to restart. If prompted to restart press RESTART.

The restart may update the laptop's BIOS. Please make sure the laptop is connected to a charger or dock, and ensure this process completes uninterrupted. This process normally takes <5 minutes. Once the BIOS update has completed your machine will automatically load into the Windows operating system.

Some updates cannot be applied until other updates have been installed first. Once your laptop restarts, log in and run Dell Command Update again. Please repeat the steps above until all available updates have been installed.

Once all updates are completed you will see the following