Class teams are automatically created at the beginning of a timetable period, but students and staff assigned to these teams are not automatically managed.

You will need to add or remove students from your class teams throughout the year as students join or leave your class or add or remove staff when the timetable changes.

How to Add Students or Staff to Your Team

1.  Click on the ellipses "..." of the appropriate team and select "Manage Team"




2.  Click "Add member"

5.  Select "Students" or "Teachers" before entering an address.

6.  Enter the name or email of the individual

  • Students:
    • Enter the student's email address. Entering a student's name may not work!
  • Staff:
    • Enter either the staff's name or email address.

TIP: You can find a student's email address by searching for them in the SEQTA Student Information Panel (SIP)

6.  Click on Add

7.  Click on close

How to Remove Someone From Your Team

1.  Click on the ellipses "..." of the appropriate team and select "Manage Team"



2. Click the cross next to the appropriate individual.

TIP: If you are removing an "Owner" of the team, first change the individual's role from "Owner" to "Member".