This guide will explain how to log into the Cisco Meraki management portal, and create a temporary login for the JSR-Guest WiFi network. This guide is intended for administrative staff to facilitate internet access for guests whilst at JSR.


  • Cisco Meraki Portal account
  • Mobile Phone for SMS verification

Note: Cisco Meraki Portal accounts are provisioned by IT support. If you believe you should have access to create guest Wi-Fi accounts, please contact IT support.

First-Time Access:

  • When accessing the Meraki portal for the first time - users may be prompted to set a Phone number for SMS

    1. Enter mobile phone number into Phone number field
      • For Australian numbers: Replace any leading (0) with +61 eg: 0402 123 456 -> +61 402 123 456
    2. Select the Send Code button. This will send a 6 digit verification code to the supplied number by text.
    3. Enter the received 6 digit verification code into the Code: field, and select Verify to proceed.



Enter the Meraki management portal using the following link:

Once you have signed in you should automatically be redirected to the "User management portal" page. From which you can create a guest user account. STEP

STEP [1] : Select the JSR-Guest Network from the "SSID" dropdown menu.

STEP [2] : Select "Add new user" on the far right of the window.

STEP [3] : Once you have selected "Add new user" a dialog window will open which allows you to create a new Guest User. 

Enter the following information appropriately:

  • [Description:
    • A brief description of the user. Consider using a combination of the guest's name, organisation or reason for visit (e.g. UWA Uni Presenter)
  • Email (Username):
    • This field will serve as the USERNAME for signing into the guest account, but MUST be a functional email address, as Username/Password for the user will be sent to this email address.
    • We prefer that you use the guest's email address. If the guest cannot access their mailbox to retrieve the guest Wi-Fi credentials, then you may consider using your own staff email - as that way you will receive the credentials.
  • Password:
    • This password can be automatically generated using the "Generate" button to the right of the entry field.
    • Manually entered passwords must adhere to password policies for complexity, length & must not contain dictionary words.

STEP [4] : Ensure you set the "Authorize" value to "Yes". After authorizing the user, additional settings will become available. Enable "Expires in" and specify a duration for which the account will be valid.

  • Accounts that are authorised without an expiry date may be deleted without warning.
  • Ensure the duration set is applicable for the guest's time at JSR
    • Note: Once the expiry date has passed, the account will automatically have it's authorisation revoked and will no longer be able to sign-in to the guest account.

STEP [5] : To confirm all changes, select "Create User" at the bottom of the window.


STEP [6] : Finally Select "Save Changes"  below the list of accounts - to commit these changes to Meraki. Within a few minutes the JSR-Guest account will be live, and ready for use.


Please contact IT Support at for any questions or concerns: