
Before using Jamf Parent on your child's iPad, please read through this following guide along with the below link. These include important information on using and setting up the Jamf Parent app for best use.

The setup process is slightly different to the one showed in the video so below is instructions on how to do so using a JSR school iPad:

1. Open the Jamf Student app on your child's iPad.

2. Select the User Profile in the bottom left hand corner.

3. Select Authorize Parent.

4. Scan the given QR code through the Jamf Parent app on your mobile phone as shown in the linked guide above.

Additional Information

Usage Times

Using the Jamf parent app will only be available from 4pm to 7:30am on weekdays as not to interfere with school work and extra curricular activities. It will be available for use on weekends and during school holidays.

Location Feature

In testing, the iPad location feature was giving inaccurate results therefore it is not configured for use.


The main cause of problems with setting restrictions on your child's iPad will be internet connectivity. Ensure that both your mobile phone and your child's iPad are connected to the internet. Internet connectivity is required for the iPad to receive restriction changes set on the Jamf Parent app.

With any other queries or issues please contact IT Support at Please include screenshots of the issue if possible.