Sharing a Programme with other teachers

Sharing Programmes in SEQTA enable multiple teachers to follow the same (or similar programme). This has the added benefit of a programme only needing to be created once by one person and has the flow on effect of a common Marks book that is made up from the Assessment Tasks in the Programme. It also ensures that any change in a programme in terms of lesson item, attached resource or assessment task, being immediately reflected in all the classes that are sharing the programme. Where individual change is needed in a shared programme, a separate pathway can be created from the main programme.

To share a Programme, follow these steps:

1) Load the programme that needs to be copied. To do this, click on the Teaching Workspace, then on List of Programmes and finally on Edit Programme.

2) Click the Collaboration settings icon.

3) Select the class(es) that you want to share the programme with and click “Share”

4) After confirming your selection, all the shared classes will appear in the list below.

5) Click OK to close out of dialogue box