FileBrowser is an app that allows users to access and save files stored on your device, cloud storage services, file servers and network drives.

It is crucial that you have FileBrowser installed and setup as you will use it to access education resources stored on "eLearning" and submit files for your teachers to assess.

NOTE: Students who are using "FileBrowser for Education" will have the webdav connection automatically listed in the sidebar. In this case, start at step six (6).

  1. Open FileBrowser and tap the + icon in the top right corner of the sidebar.
  2. Select "Computer/Network Drive".
  3. Select the type "WebDav".
  4. Under the address input, enter "".
  5. Press save in the top right corner.
  6. In the sidebar, open "WebDav".
  7. When prompted, enter your school username and password (i.e. 17blogjo).
  8. Press "Connect".
  9. Select "Yes" to remember your login details.