How do I join the Guest Wi-Fi - iPad


1. Go into 'Settings'

2. Select "Wi-Fi"

3. Join the JSR-Lobby Wi-Fi.

4. The following screen will then appear. If this screen doesn't appear forget the network and try again (The following is a guide on how to forget a Wifi network:

5. Now enter your first name, last name and phone number. Then enter the email address of the person you are visiting and click ‘register’ (Ensure a staff member's email is used as they are the only people allowed to approve).

6. The staff member will then receive an email allowing them to approve of the visitor's network connection.

7. Once the staff member has approved the request, the visitor should be given a code.

8. Switch Wi-Fi networks from JSR-Lobby to JSR-Guest-MB 

9. Use the code you were given on step 7 as the password.

10. If this process has been completed correctly you should be connected to the guest Wi-Fi.