Go to https://forms.office.com/ and sign in using your JSRACS account.

Step 1: Choose either New Form or New Quiz. A Form can have multiple entries and is suited to feedback or surveys, while a Quiz is suited to in-class tests.

Step 2: Click here to give your Form/Quiz a title.

Step 3: Click on the "+" or "Add new" button to add a new question. Here you can choose from a range of question types.

Step 4: Select Text to create a question that allows the responder to write their answer.

Step 5: Select Choice to create a multiple-choice question.

Step 6: Within a Choice question, click Add option to add more options.

Step 7: Click on Add "Other" option to allow the responder to write their own choice.

Step 8: Toggle Multiple answers on to allow the responder to choose more than one answer.

Step 9: Toggle Required on if you require a response from the responder.

Step 10: When you are ready to send the Form/Quiz, click on Share.

Step 11: Click here to change between "Anyone with the link can respond", meaning anyone can respond, or "Only people in my organisation can respond", meaning the responder must sign in using their JSRACS account.

Step 12: Click copy and then send the link.

Step 13: If you would like others to use this form, click on Get a link to duplicate. This will allow them to create their own copy to modify.

Step 14: If you would like to collaborate on this form with another person, click on Share to collaborate.

To set up branching, please visit: https://jsracs.libanswers.com/faq/264978