Current PaperCut integrated scanning options at JSRACS are:

  • Scan to My Email
  • Scan to OneDrive

Scan to My Email

Scan to OneDrive

The scan to OneDrive option allows you to save digital copies of your document, directly to your OneDrive account. For users running the OneDrive application, this means the file will be available directly on your machine after scanning, so long as your device has internet connectivity.

  1. Sign into the MFD using either the "Username and password" or the "ID number" options, or by tapping your smart rider onto the card scanner.
  2. Press "Scan".
  3. Select the "Scan to OneDrive" option.
    1. Press on the "Filename" filed to enter a custom file name if you do not want to scan using the automatically generated name (you can always rename the scan from your OneDrive afterwards).
    2. Press "Change settings" to modify your scanning preferences. The following settings can be adjusted.

    • Duplex mode (1-sided/ 2-sided)
    • Orientation (Portrait/Landscape)
    • Paper Size (A4/A3)
    • DPI (i.e. resolution, use a higher DPI for high a higher quality scan)
      • This will create a larger size PDF file.
    • Colour Mode (Black/White, Colour)
  4. Load your documents into the printer.
    • If using the in-tray... (we recommend you use the in-tray when scanning a document with multiple pages)
      • Uncheck "prompt for more pages" (Default)
    • If using the scanning bed and you are scanning a double-sided sheet, or a document with multiple sheets...
      • Check "prompt for more pages"
  5. Press "Start" to begin scanning your document.
    1. If you checked "prompt for more pages", load the printer with your additional pages and press "Next Original". This will scan 
    2. Repeat until you have scanned your entire document.
    3. Select "Last Original" to finish scanning your document.
  6. First-time only....
    1. Open your JSR mailbox by either signing in to the webmail ( or opening your outlook desktop app or any connected mail app on your mobile device.
      • You should have received a new email, with the subject line "Authorize Scan for PaperCut MF to save to your OneDrive for Business". This message may take 5-10 minutes to deliver.
    2. Once received, open the email message and click "Login to OneDrive for Business".
    3. You will be redirected to your web-browser. Sign in to the following prompts using your JSR email and password.
    4. Approve the permissions requested dialog by clicking "Accept" to grant the PaperCut platform access to save directly to your OneDrive.
      • If the permissions have been updated successfully, you will see the following screen.
  7. The scanned document will now have automatically been added to your OneDrive as a PDF document, at the following folder address.
    • "[YourOneDrive]/Apps/Scans for PaperCut MF/"
  8. You will receive an email notification with the following subject to indicate that your scan has been sent to your OneDrive. "We've sent your scan [SCAN_NAME] to OneDrive for Business" This message may take 5-10 minutes to deliver.